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Soaring for Pinterest! Opportunity for B2Bs?

The online pinboard Pinterest has long been one of the most popular social networks. Especially when it comes to visually appealing lifestyle topics such as interior design, travel or DIY. At first glance, this seems like a bad place for complex B2B Soaring for Pinterest products that require explanation. Not quite: With the right content, new doors open for companies in the B2B sector on Pinterest. If you don’t recognize this, you’re wasting a lot of potential.
We’ve taken a closer look at the network and explain how you can use the social search engine for your visual marketing and what you should pay attention to.

Anyone who has ever

Come into contact with a social media strategy for a B2B company will know that Pinterest has so far hardly found a place in marketing strategies for B2Bs. This is often because the opportunities that arise here are not recognized. The focus of Soaring for Pinterest the social network, like Instagram, is strongly on the visual. This does not canada number data seem to fit with bulky content. But because Pinterest offers many possibilities, this is too short-sighted. B2Bs need to rethink. Content must be prepared and presented differently. Then the portal offers many opportunities – also in B2B.

What is Pinterest and what makes it so special?

Pinterest is a combination of social network and image search engine. Users create an account, browse Pinterest itself or other websites for images and save them on their pinboards so they can quickly find them again later. The focus of the search is on discovery, which makes the search an experience. Google’s goal is to deliver the most now let’s look at the 5 most important email marketing kpis suitable search results for the user as quickly as possible. Pinterest follows a slightly different strategy. The online pinboard leads the user from one search result to the next and refines the results further and further. In this way, the user browses through a huge collection of pins. You often stumble across pins here that you weren’t necessarily looking for. Even as part of professional Soaring for Pinterest research, you end up on the image search engine sooner or later and click through the appropriate pins. The ideal starting point for B2Bs!

Another special feature compared to other social media networks: content on Pinterest redirects directly to a website. In terms of generating website traffic, this is worth its weight in gold! Among social networks, Pinterest even has the second highest market share in page views, directly behind Facebook. The half-life of pins is also significantly longer than that of most posts on other social networks (3.5 months compared to Twitter with 24 minutes or Facebook with 90 minutes).

Anyone who doesn’t consider Pinterest because of their target group should be aware that the content of the image network is not only found in Pinterest’s own search but also ranks on Google. Pins are particularly often displayed in Google image search and can lead users to your own website this way.

When does Pinterest make sense?

Many companies don’t even consider Pinterest when choosing their marketing tools. But upon closer inspection, almost every company has Soaring for Pinterest content that, if presented in an appealing way, is worth sharing on the network.

Anyone who browses through the search will quickly notice that the majority of pins are characterized by an inspiring and emotional presentation. In this article , we explain why emotional design is also and especially important for B2B japan data companies . Of course, not every product is suitable for a post on Pinterest. Those who offer supposedly less appealing products can score points with high-quality infographics, for example. Complicated issues, complex products or services are visualized in an understandable and appealing way.

Attractive infographics in corporate design can explain complex content in an entertaining way and at the same time underline your own expertise within the industry.

Your company runs a specialist blog on industry-specific topics and you are looking for another channel to distribute your articles? Here, too, it makes sense to use Pinterest. Create graphics that preview the content of your article and pin them to your profile with a link to the respective blog article. White papers, tutorials, studies or case studies can also be prepared in this way.

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