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Mobile Based Library Service

Mobile Base  Library ServiceS. Rajasekaran1 and G. Prabhakaran21Builders Engineering College, Kangayam, Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, India2Sri Meenakshi Vidiyal Arts and Science College, Trichy, Tamil Nadug had extend meaningfully and now libraries are also exploring andtrialing with this technology. The present paper discusses leading strategies that hungary phone number library innovativelibraries are using to deliver services through mobile devices. It also presents an overview

oftrends in mobile

tools and their applications for libraries, including the internet mobile, mobilehypermia, and OPAC/ text messaging etc. and describes the various activities these devicessupport for library use, involving how the libraries and librarians are responding with servicestailor for these devices and what can be done by libraries in future in this respect. The studyfurther explores the utilization.Keywords: Mobile Technology, Mobile Service, Smart Phones.IntroductionWith the rapid advancement in technology in last two decades, mainly because of the adventof internet, the world no longer works the sam

The advent


of wireless networks and morerecently mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets etc following the internet, contribut a lotto make mobile technology come into existence. Recent studies conduct at different placesreveal that the volume of usage of internet using mobile devices is increasing at a very rapid pace.Main reasons behind success of mobile technology is the benefits such as mobility and ubiquityserv by mobile devices. The current innovation is clearly anticipat that would enhance fairlymore in future. These are the reasons why versatile innovation is view as eventual fate ofcorrespondence by many. Cell phones require a underlying support from Operating System andfurthermore require equipment and programming backing to impart appropriately. The gadgetsconvey crosswise over different platforms utilizing a communication channel, so they additionallyrequire a characteriz set of protocols and network support so as to


and asmention earlier they need internet connection to communicate

hungary phone number library
Objectives of the Study1. This study explores the prospect of providing library services with mobile phones.2. Inspire librarians and library users in the use of library operations.3. Observe the benefits deriv from the use of Mobile technologies.4. To find the services that could be deliver through mobile phones.5. To release the obstacles that libraries may face in providing information and services.6.


mobile phones and make suggestions struggling students and special needs to ensure adequate provision of theseservices.What is Mobile TechnologyMobile technology is technology that goes where the user goes. It consists of portable two-way communications devices, computing devices and the networking technology that connectsthem. Currently, mobile technology is typifi by internet-enabl devices like smart and watches. These are the latest in a progression that includes two-way pagers, notebookcomputers, mobile telephones (flip phones), GPS-navigation devices and more. Thecommunications networks that connect these devices are loosely term wireless technologies.They enable mobile devices to share voice, data and applications (mobile apps). Mobiletechnology tg data  is pervasive and growing. The number of Smartphone users has climb beyond 3billion¹ and the global mobile workforce is expectto reach 1.87 billion by 2022.

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