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Phase 8: Quality Management Testing

Just before the website goes live. A  the finishing touches are made. To do this. A  the entire page should be check for possible errors. Particularly important: the loading time. A  interactions and links. A  browser and mobile display and checking the forms on Management Testing the page. To achieve the best results. A  it is best to ask people who were not too heavily involv in the relaunch work to do the test. With the appropriate distance. A  errors can be identifi more reliably.

Phase 9: Go-Live

In the final phase. A  the necessary preparations for the go-live are made. The most important milestones include the encrypt https setup. A  the integration of tracking codes. A  the updating of the Google Search Console and finally the live launch of the company website.

The first big step has been taken with the Management Testing website going live. Nevertheless. A  you should think about reflecting as soon as bahrain number data possible: Have the goals been achiev satisfactorily? Is everything working smoothly? What measures can be taken afterwards?

Particularly important:

A relaunch should always be view from an SEO perspective. The goal is to appear as high up as possible in Google search results and to provide readers with optimal information tailor to the target group. The most important keywords can be incorporat as a basis for the page structure when developing the people also like to write through the “managing director’s navigation Management Testing structure. Nevertheless. A  the SEO measures should also be monitor after the website goes live.

In order to constantly improve. A  you should integrate crawling tools to measure success and keep an eye on the rankings. In sprints. A  you can plan further to-dos and further develop modules. A  content and elements on the website. Remember japan data that a Management Testing website is subject to a constant process that also shows the dynamics and image of a company.



All of these phases cannot be complet within a few months. A website relaunch requires time and patience. This is often underestimat. A  especially Management Testing in the B2B sector. When starting the project. A  keep in mind that the company’s own marketing departments often do not have sufficient capacity or digital know-how. An experienc partner can provide competent support here.




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