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You can find mbubot on the mbudo homepage!

It is a software that allows you to maintain a conversation , whether you want to ask for some type of information or to carry out an action, such as, for example, putting your interlocutor in contact with the sales team.

At mbudo we have joined the chatbot craze and created our own through Hubspot… mbubot. In addition, our Inbound Marketing agency has begun implementing chatbots for our clients in order to strengthen their marketing strategy and optimize their team and resources.

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Advantages of using chatbots
What are the advantages of an online chatbot for companies like yours?

You will be able to maintain large-scale conversations on your architect database website and, above all and most importantly, automate processes . You will be able to ease the workload of your team by maintaining automated conversations and assigning contacts to the right person, either in real time or afterwards in the period of time that you define.

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Build your own HubSpot chatbot

The good news is that you can create and customize your chatbots from within Hubspot without any technical knowledge. It’s very easy, you just have to select one of their templates based on your goals and preferences and use create an empathy map in the context of your product  the visual editor to customize the conversation in such a way that it is in tune with the tone and voice of your brand. Plus, you can make your chatbots more human thanks to the integration with Hubspot’s CRM.

On the other hand, Hubspot also offers the possibility of creating a chatbot for Facebook. We tell you why you need one for your brand on the mbudo blog.

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We have already seen that the positive far fans data outweighs the negative… if there is anything… what are you waiting for to create your chatbot?

But if you’re not ready to jump into chatbots on your own, partner with mbudo to get the job done.

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