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You are dealing with

First, when we look at organizations that have successfully moved You are  DR to the cloud, they tend to have common characteristics and reasons for pursuing cloud.  a high level of data growth and sprawl yet have limited budget, time, and resources. Your company is transitioning from a CAPEX to an OPEX-focused model, and there is some sort of commitment to digital transformation. However, you’re struggling to consistently meet or exceed RTOs and RPOs.

Even though many organizations

Share these characteristics, it’s important to recognize that recent mobile phone number data there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all cloud model. Still, there are three ways of bringing DR to the cloud that can be achieved for a variety of company profiles: DR in the public cloud, VMware in the public cloud, and disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS).

DR to the Public Cloud

If you’re looking for the lowest cost model, infrastructure as a service (IaaS) with public cloud providers is the best option. Moving your DR to one of these platforms, replacing a physical, secondary site, results in a drastic reduction of capital expenditures and resource requirements for maintenance, day-to-day operations, and upgrades. And the ability to meet data protection demands with this hands-off, offsite storage makes adhering to the common 3-2-1 backup rule an easier and more affordable reality.

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