Home » WiFi Marketing Ideas to Collect Customer Emails

WiFi Marketing Ideas to Collect Customer Emails

WiFi Marketing can currently be utilized for various business marketing strategy purposes. One of them is to grow a valid customer email list. This customer email list functions to keep as many people or customers connected and registered in your business community as possible.

WiFi Marketing Ideas to Collect Customer Emails | Wificolony

In the midst of today’s digital marketing boom, don’t underestimate the benefits of a customer email list. The reason is, almost the majority of the millennial generation uses email as a means of communication every day. With this in mind, here are some ideas that you can try to develop prospective customer emails in the future.

1. Use a landing page when

When users connect to your business’s free WiFi, create a landing page that leads to an email opt-in page. This landing page should contain a registration form for your mailing list.

Make this page super simple and don’t ask for too much information other than their email address. If you ask users to fill in too many fields on a large form, chances are they will immediately run away and close this page.

2. Create a contest or promotion

To encourage more buyers to use the WiFi network, consider running a contest or promotion. Consider alternative methods such as automatically registering users who have connected to WiFi to participate in contests with discount prizes or interesting events. This voucher code or discount code can be sent directly to the user’s email after they have purchased a certain amount of products, for example 5 – 10 products.

3. Watch video ads while accessing WiFi

Not all customers feel comfortable when asked to provide their email address. For customers like this, you can consider providing an alternative option that requires them to watch a short video ad in order to access WiFi for free.

If customers choose to watch ads, y for a while and promote your products. However, if customers choose to register via email, you can send promotional offers via e hong Kong telegram data mail. So, whatever the customer’s choice, both are still beneficial to your business.

telegram data

4. Login using social media accounts

Another way to set up your WiFi marketing portal is to log in with social media accounts, this allows customers to connect to WiFi instantly with their Facebook, Instag webp is a modern image format released ram, Twitter, Google Plus, and so on. From a business perspective, logging in with social media accounts provides more information than just logging in wit cz lists h an email address. Later, all this information will be stored in a database that can be analyzed for marketing strategies.

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