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Why writing a post for 20 people in the world can make sense

You don’t always have to seek out thousands of hits for a new blog post. Reaching a few as long as it’s the desired target audience can be a much bigger success than simply generating traffic.

Carlos Bravo8
Those who read this post frequently must think that I am obsessed with generating visits, getting retweets, increasing the number of subscribers, etc. To be completely honest, I cannot deny it completely. However, I write many posts that I already know in advance will have very little impact in terms of the criteria mentioned above.

Writing makes sense for few if your target audience is very niche

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about ad exchanges in online advertising. It is a post that is aimed at a niche that is still relatively small within the world of Internet marketing in Spain. Probably only about 100-200 companies have a real need to be interested in this topic. I have created the post because it is a client that we want to reach with Coguan .

Whenever you have a very specific target audience, it makes sense to create content specifically for them. It is true that you exclude a large part of the users who come to your blog. On specific occasions, it may be more interesting to france phone number library obtain a high coverage in a specific market than a low percentage with many visits but in a broader segment.

You will be able to position better in search engines

Due to the lack of a large audience, most bloggers will not give much importance to the topic. As a result, there will not be much content that deals with the topic in detail. Even without SEO knowledge and using the relevant keywords, you will appear in the top 10 if someone does a related search. Keep in mind that from a search engine’s point of view, around 1 million indexed URLs is not enough. In addition, you are entering a “virgin” territory where there are no battles between SEO professionals for the top positions.

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You can place a bet on future search trends

People’s behavior is constantly changing. Search engines are changing with it. You can position yourself at the top by creating content on topics telegram database users list that will be popular tomorrow. You certainly won’t be able to get everything right every time. The gamble is worth it. Even if only 20 people read you today, tomorrow there could be hundreds or thousands. If you identify early trends in markets with large audiences, you can saudi data launch yourself into positioning yourself with articles that can generate a lot of visits tomorrow. With a bit of luck, you’ll even be recognized as an “opinion leader” on the topic. Many popular bloggers started out this way.

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