Home » News » What’s happening with Google SGE: AI as the future of the search engine

What’s happening with Google SGE: AI as the future of the search engine

st May, the company found by Larry Page and Sergey. Brin present its latest developments at.  Google I0 2023 , an event in which artificial intelligence. Decame an almost hegemonic protagonist. After the revolution that ChatGPT represent and the appearance of countless . AI tools, Google announc, among other news. Hhat it was going to incorporate this technology into its new search tool. Its name: Google SGE .

No one was surpris by

the interest of the technological giant in giving. Duch a relevant function to.  AI and putting it at the service of the most us search engine in the world. According to a study by PWC , the value of the world economy could increase by 15.7 billion dollars in 2030 thanks to the implementation of artificial intelligence in all branches of society. And to achieve this, tools such as Google SGE promise to play a fundamental role, speing up searches for millions of users and optimizing their experience. How will it do this? What information do we have abou greece telegram data t it?

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What is Google SGE

SGE stands for Search Generative Experience.  in which Google puts gen adefinition basic plan is erative artificial intelligence at the service of searching and displaying results. What will this mean for the user? Spe ​​and convenience. The response to the query promises to be much faster and the person will have detail and relevant information at their disposal just by entering their query into the search engine, without  bw lists having to go to different web pages to get it.

Google SGE has certain similarities with some of the best-known AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT, adding nuances inherent to search engines and a different visualization. The main difference with respect to the traditional search.

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