Events are activities users do on your site, web shop or app. Conversions are also events, but you need to mark them as such, so GA4 What is the difference knows that these events are more important to you.
To paraphrase George Orwell:
For example, downloading a file or filling physician data in a form are GA4 events, but they can also be important for your business growth.
I say “can”, because it all depends on your situation.
Yet, GA4 has preconfigured two events as possible conversions and that are useful to most apps and web shops. They exist, but they are in napping mode.
Web and app default GA4 conversion events
To see which events GA4 suggests as conversions, go to your “Admin” dashboard. Then click “Conversions” in the “Data panel” of your property settings.
Depending on whether you have installed GA4 on a site / web shop or an app, you can see different conversions here.
If one of these events actually took place top 6 cheap podcast hosting platforms for 2024 on your site or app, you can mark it as a conversion.
To do so, just slide the toggle so it turns blue.
Suggested GA4 web and app conversion
The GA4 purchase event tracks What is the difference when someone buys on your site, ecommerce store or app. That is obviously an event worth tracking because it generates revenue.
Suggested GA4 app conversions
Applications provide another experience and that’s why GA4 suggests 4 additional conversions besides purchase.
- first_open
- in_app_purchase
- app_store_subscription_convert
- app_store_subscription_renew
Note that it is very likely that when you mark these events as conversions, you will probably not track what you were hoping for.
And it is even more likely that other events are worth keeping a close eye on. So how to do that?
How to mark an event as a conversion in GA4?
To see which events GA4 registered, go to “Admin”. Then click on “Events” in the “Data Display” section of your property.
Here you have to switch the toggle of china data the event on, as in the screenshot below for an existing form_submit event.
Choosing your conversions from a list of events that exist in GA4 is easy.
But not using your brainpower is always a risky business…
3 reasons to think before marking events as GA4 conversions
In the events overview of your GA4 admin dashboard, you can see all the events that occurred on your site or app. It’s tempting to mark them as conversions, but that is a horrible idea.
1. Conversions are not KPIs
There is a vast difference between the small steps that marketers like to call KPIs and the big actions that bring in the money.
If you choose from a list of What is the difference existing events in GA4 to pick your conversions, you are missing the point.
A talk with your sales team, accountant department and boss is a smarter way to decide what you can best track as conversions.
Look at which actions on your site are the closest to generating money.