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What creating presentations gives you when you have a blog

Posting presentations helps you increase blog traffic. It is a type of content that helps you create impact and differentiate yourself from other bloggers.

I recently discovered the use of presentations on the blog.

The idea was to try out a new type of content other than written and audiovisual content. Text posts have the advantage of having the lowest production “cost.” I only include videos if they have been produced by a third party and have something to do with the topics I frequently cover.

Creating a specific presentation for the blog has not been an option until now, since the time it takes to create it did not fit into the time limit I spend on writing every day. When I discovered a post with the best presentations in the world, I discovered a quick and easy technique to create presentations with impact. The results obtained have been surprising, so it is a good “excuse” to share it here.

Techniques used in the best presentations in the world

If you look at the winning presentations you will see a very similar style. I have noticed that in terms of time it is not as costly as a presentation for investors or clients. There are three key factors that the presentations have in common:

Professional photos that generate emotions in the viewer.
Combination of little text with the key message varying in size and/or color.
Using the “magic” AIDA marketing formula (“attention”, “interest”, “desire” and “action”) .
Advantages of using presentations in your posts if you have a blog

Thanks to this simple technique, it takes less time to create an impactful presentation. However, it easily takes twice as long as writing a blog germany phone number library post. Most of the time is spent not writing but choosing the right photos. In my tests, I have been able to identify the following advantages.

1. Viral content type : although it is more work, it is worth trying because according to my still brief experience, a presentation can have twice the impact in terms of retweets and visits than a text entry.

2. Reuse existing content : The presentation can be based on an existing article.

3. Make copies without being penalized for duplicate content : just like a YouTube video, a presentation uploaded to Slideshare can be published multiple times and even shared with third parties without running the risk of being penalized by Google for duplicate content.

Phone Number Library

 It is used for commercial purposes

I was very surprised to see that a presentation does the website hosting include with commercial content (promoting a course for bloggers ) generated almost 400 retweets in one month. This is a type of content that not everyone uses and, as long as people saudi data like it, it can be shared even if it is promotional.

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