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Weighed Down by On-Premises Disaster 

In today’s new remote-heavy world ? it’s more important Weighed Down  than ever that organizations are available 24/7. From healthcare to online retail ? potential downtime ? with an average cost of $250 ?000 per hour ? can be catastrophic. This leaves IT organizations with the task of meeting “always-on” expectations with ? likely ? less financial and human resources than normal.

In today’s environment

IT professionals are eager to explore cost-savings with modern cloud telegram data solutions ? but organizations need a cloud strategy and adoption path that works best for their business ? and it needs to happen in a way that maintains the IT resilience necessary to achieve the “always-on” goal.

If you have not develope

A cloud-first strategy yet ? you are likely falling behind your competitors ?” says Elias Khnaser ? VP Analyst at Gartner in the blog post “6 Steps for Planning a Cloud Strategy.” Beyond market position ? the benefits of such a strategy are clear: reduced costs ? driving business growth ? increasing agility ? enabling IT scalability ? and accelerating innovation. But there’s a big difference between saying you’re committed to a cloud-first strategy and executing it. Taking disaster recovery (DR) operations to the cloud is a good first step in the journey towards achieving both IT cost savings and IT resilience.

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