This modality requires a lot of market research so that the company can effectively understand what its customers’ needs are. After all, many organizational problems, including financial ones, occur due to difficulties in listening.
Therefore, companies focused on the value chain have professionals who specialize in understanding and building a strategy based on customer expectations.
Collaborative management
This is an open leadership style, focused more on sharing than imposition. It is structured in a less hierarchical way and values more integrated teams, where everyone has the freedom to give feedback.
Remote management
With cloud computing and ERPs, companies feel less and less need for a physical space to operate. In this model, employees can work remotely, which requires intelligent use of technology so that everyone can communicate, produce and collaborate effectively.
What are the new trends?
Considering new technologies italy email list and behavioral changes not only improves your customer service but also helps retain talent. Understand the trends that can transform your business.
Predictive analysis
Using Big Data , predictive analysis seeks to assess patterns and improve decision-making. With data and metrics, managers have more information to conduct processes assertively.
Human experience
When managing their teams, leaders start to consider the human experience — focusing on the maintenance and well-being of people. As a result, the company gains more in productivity, engagement, general level of satisfaction and retains its talent.
Thanks to cloud storage in an influx of leads and Big Data, there is no longer a need for large physical structures to get work done. Through video conferencing and management software, managers can take care of complex processes anytime, anywhere.
This also creates new work agb directory models such as home office, for example. A Harvard study, published by Época Negócios , showed that the productivity of employees who work from home increased by.