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Try to find what makes your business generate value in the market

When Facebook was born, for example, it was not the only social network; there were other similar ones that did not have anything that set them apart. Mark Zuckerberg’s social network, on the other hand, managed to posit whatsapp data ion itself because its objective, unlike other platforms, was not to be “cool” but to be useful. This has to do with the vision of its creators: they wanted to create something that would last over time, that was not just a fad.

3) Show results
Every investor needs data, but the problem is that if you’re a startup, you probably don’t have enough convincing data. So what you can do is generate data from surveys , measure how profitable your product is and whether people would buy it in the future or not, and show investors that your business will quickly gain a foothold in the market.

Now, if we are talking about

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A product that already has a track record in the market and an interesting number of sales, the data that you provide to your interlocutors will draw their attention considerably . Keep in mind that this point is not so relevant for clients or the general public, but it is an essential tip when the presentation is directed at investors.

Remember that investors are busy people, it’s not that they are unfriendly or don’t want to give you their time vietnam data   but that they have many responsibilities and obligations during the day. If they are giving you the opportunity to explain your project, try to be as quick and specific as possible . Without a doubt, the data will be something that they will value in a presentation of this type.


 Generate empathy

It is important to build a strong emotional bond with the people who  download the latest excel and word payment voucher templates are listening. Connecting with investors by generating different experiences and sensations will make them remember your brand for a long time.




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