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Tips For CE Marking Your Products When Expanding Globally

We are regularly asked about CE marking, how long it takes, and how costly it is. The only real answer that we can provide is that it depends on a number of variables because each product is different. We can, however, help you understand the overall process for CE marking prior to taking your product global, including what variables are involved, and point you toward more information, as well as assistance with the process, should you need it.

What is CE Marking

According to the simplest definition using Wikipedia, CE marking is a manufacturer’s declaration that a product meets the requirements of the applicable European Community directives. The European Commission describes CE marking as:

“The letters ‘CE’ appear on many products traded on the extended Single Market in the European Economic Area (EEA). They signify that products sold in the EEA have been assessed to meet high safety, health, and environmental protection requirements. When you buy a new phone, a teddy bear, or a TV within the EEA, you can find the CE mark on them. CE marking also supports fair competition by holding all companies accountable to the same rules.”

Basically, CE marking allows goods to move within  canada telegram data the European market.

The price and time required will depend on what procedures apply to your product including:

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How your product is intended to be used

The specific standards that apply to the directive your product falls under
Whether you can do some or all of the conformity a there are many roles in digital sessments yourself
Whether the category you are applying for requires third-party assessments
The level of support you will need if assistance is desired or req bw lists uired for the compliance documentation
Whether you are able to provide acceptable technical specifications.



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