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They Wish to Have an

They wish to have an exchange. How long does a customer have before filing . For an exchange?A very important element of your refund policy should be the number of . Days after which a customer can’t file a complaint.For instance, apple has a return policy . Of days. A customer can not file a complaint if they exceed the number of .

Days Given in the Policyyou

Days given in the policy.You can set this time according to the needs of your . Business. Most businesses keep it between – working days, not less or more than that.Read . More: purchase orders: what are they how to create them? . Who pays for . Shipping costs?In case of refunds and exchanges, the shipping cost you have to undergo doubles!Thus, .

It is Important to Mention

It is important to mention in your refund policy that who is going to pay . This extra cost.Are you going to cover it? Or the customer will employment database receive a deducted . Amount?A lady making online payment for a dressframe a policy that suits your business needs. For instance, if you deliver perishable products, taking the extra cost from the customer is . The right thing to do because you won’t be able to make any use of .

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That Product After Refundingon the

That product after refunding.On the other it happens that at the prototyping stage hand, nonperishable products can survive some extra shipping costs . As they can be fixed and resold. How will the customer be compensated?There are . Many ways you can compensate the customer. Some companies opt for direct credit in the . Customer’s bank account, which is most preferred by shoppers.Others may provide store credit which allows .

The Customer to Make a

The customer to make a purchase, using the japan data credit from their store.The latter option is . More of a strict policy since the shopper never gets his money back and it . Is just circulated in your system.It is not advisable to use a strict policy as . It is likely to scare away potential customers.Read more: target audience: what is it and .

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