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The GA4 conversions report

he Conversions Report in Google Analytics 4 is both a treasure trove and a cesspool. It can reveal growth opportunities and obstacles. But to The GA4 conversions dentist data  get to the conversion data that matters to your business, you need to understand how to use and customize the conversion report in GA4. So, let’s find the hidden gems….

Key Takeaways

  • The Google Analytics 4 Conversions report is populated automatically, provided you track conversions. Properly.
  • The default Conversions report shows basic, but important, business-critical data.
  • GA4 also has a detailed report for every conversion event.
  • If that isn’t enough or too much data, you can create a custom conversion report.

What is the Google Analytics Conversions report?

The Google Analytics Conversions The GA4 conversions report is a built-in report that contains basic data of your conversion events. It shows, for example, how many times a conversion took place, how many users converted, and, optionally, the total revenue per conversion event.

“Basic” conversion data doesn’t mean it’s crappy.

But before I get to that, let’s open the Conversions report in your Google Analytics 4 property.

Where can you find the Google Analytics Conversions report?

To access the GA4 Conversions report, open “Reports”, go to “Engagement” and click “Conversions”.

If you don’t see the report, someone may how to create your b2b marketing budget for the coming year have renamed it. Or worse: someone removed it from the navigation menu.

If that person proudly posted that on Facebook, this would be the only proper reaction:

After all, conversions thrive businesses.

How to use the default conversions report?

At the top of the GA4 conversions report, you can see a bar chart like this:

That simple chart immediately answers 3 important questions about your conversions for the selected time period.

1. Did conversions actually happen on your site? 

Don’t panic if you see “no data The GA4 conversions  available” in the GA4 Conversions report.

The 5 most common causes for an empty GA4 Conversions report are:

1. Events aren’t marked as conversions china data yet, or they were, but less than 24 hours ago. That is about the time it takes for GA4 to register conversions in GA4.

3. You have opened the wrong GA4 property or account.

4. Your GA tracking code broke.

5. Someone in your team switched the conversions off.

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