Home » The color of a banner can increase the number of clicks generated by up to 30%

The color of a banner can increase the number of clicks generated by up to 30%

There is no doubt that colors have an impact on us. In this little experiment, the background color of a banner has been studied and how it influences the number of clicks obtained.
Those who read this blog frequently may remember that more than a month ago I announced a test on the impact of colors on the CTR obtained in a banner . To carry out this test, we at Coguan acted as advertisers.

For the campaign we have chosen the “Online Advertising Course” which will be held in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.

Key data of the campaign

A total of 7 colours were chosen for testing. The campaign was active for less than a month. It was carried out in a real way in the sense that Coguan paid as an advertiser for the impressions consumed with a CPM. This was 20% above the average of what a supporter with us was getting at that time so that this experiment would not be a disadvantage for the websites that trust in working with us.
The table shows the overall result hong kong phone number library and the CTRs obtained for the different colours. Surprisingly, the white background obtained the best result with a CTR of 0.092%. The red banner obtained the lowest number of clicks in relation to impressions with a CTR of 0.071%. There is a difference of 29.9% between both versions in favour of the colourless version. In a CPM campaign where a red banner would have generated 1,000 clicks, the white version would have surpassed it by almost 300 visits to the advertiser’s page.

Impact of colors on the number of clicks on a banner
Results of the experiment on the CTR of a banner depending on its color

Phone Number Library

Data interpretation

It is very difficult to explain the difference between the different colors. The surprise was perhaps that the most decent version of the banner generated the highest CTR. One of the following hypotheses could apply, of which the first two could not apply at the same time:

Most websites tend to be very colorful so a white adefinition basic plan Is banner forms a good contrast and draws the user’s attention.
The white banner blends into a website so well that the user confuses it with the content of the page.
Limitations of the experiment

One campaign is not enough to have a completely valid result. The design, the theme, the format and many other factors can play a role in the CTR obtained. It saudi data makes sense to repeat the experiment with different formats, themes and designs to see if with a greater number of impressions and duration the result is the same.

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