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SEO Translation: What it is and why it is key to your international SEO strategy

e live in a globalised market where the internationalisation of brands offers enormous business opportunities. However, in order to achieve success, linguistic and sociocultural nuances must be taken into account throughout the process of attracting customers . The way of impacting a potential consumer will be different, for example, if the product is to be sold in Europe or Asia. Cultural diversity is part of the wealth of the planet and it is essential to take it into account in any marketing strategy.

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Dhis diversity and richness, the native language of each country plays a fundamental role. Words, expressions and linguistic turns of phrase differ depending on the market in which we wish to sell our products or services. And not only that, but any positioning strategy must also be adapted to each market. Therefore, it is not enough to translate the contents of the original website into the language of the places where we wish to sell the product. A translation must be made that empathizes with the linguistic reality and with the behaviour and customs of consumers in the target country . At this point, it is essential to develop what is known in marketing as an SEO translation .

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What is SEO translation and why is it important

Normally, we understandof original content in a different language, in a step-by-step guide how to do a powerful email blast  a faithful manner and maintaining the message in a natural way. Of course, in an optimal translation it is necessary to know the linguistic uses of the target language so that it is understanda bw lists ble by the people who read the translated text. In other words, a dose of adaptation to each market is always advisable.


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