In the previous article, we discussed one of the current marketing strategies, namely using Influencer Marketing. This article will discuss further how to determine influencers, especially social media influencers, in order to get the right and fitting figure for your marketing activities.
Before choosing and determining an influencer, consider the following 3Rs of an influencer:
Relevance Suitability
Pay attention to whether the influencer’s activities have a theme and content that is in line with the business you are developing, or the target you are targeting.
Reach – Reach
Estimate how many people can be reached by the influencer. See the number of active followers, so that you are sure that using the influencer will have an impact and provide more value to your business
Resonance – Resonance
see the interaction of the influencer with your target market, whether the relationship between the influencer has the potential to be more for the branding you are doing.
It doesn’t end here, to determine whether the influencer you will choose later is i japan telegram data n accordance with the 3Rs above, ask yourself the following questions.
Who do you want to try to influence
This question becomes very important to determine who is the most if you don’t want to convert images appropriate influencer for your business. Maybe some have no problem with the answer to the question above, of course this one you influence by using influencers is your loyal customers, and a wid by lists er market to attract new customers.