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Mobile phones for accessing library

Mobile phones (feature phones and smartphones) have of late become ubiquitous among university students (Brooks 2016, Haverila 2013). Ownership of feature phones has in some studies reach the 100% mark (De Wee 2013, Dewah and Mutula 2013); that of smartphones is steadily edging towards reaching the same threshold (Brookes 2016, Nowlan 2013). If the trend continues, it is anticipate that smartphone ownership will reach saturation point within the next few years.

University libraries in various parts latvia phone number library of the world are taking advantage of the proliferation of  among students (Brooks 2016, Kumar 2014) coupl with the tremendous computing power they possess (Hossain & Ahm 2016) to offer services to their clients (Bomhold 2014, Luo 2014).

Mobile phones

Are use to deliver user services (book renewals; e-book and e-journal access), reference services (user queries and instructional services), informational services (notifications), and others. Mobile phones, particularly smartphones, are increasingly use to provide library and information services because they have the potential to enhance access to library resources beyond the normal opening hours and hence can assist to overcome the obstacles of time and space (Malik and Mahmood 2013), bringing more convenience to library users (Ballard and Blaine 2013). Moreover, mobile phones can help to provide access to e-resources to students who do not have access to institutional computer facilities in resource-poor environments such as those in Africa (Palumbo 2014.

Studies have Mobile phones

latvia phone number library

Shown that university students have largely respond positively to the availability of library and information services on mobile phone platforms through increas usage (Kubat 2017, Hossain and Ahmed 2016). Much as this is the case, usage of the services ranks lower when compare to other services that students access using their mobile phones, including communicating with friends and family through calls, text, SMS, or email; connecting to social media tools such as Facebook; and playing games (Lo et al. 2016, Vassilakaki, Moniarou-Papaconstantinou & Garoufallou 2016). Other studies have pointe to technological characteristics associate with mobile phones such as the small screen size, slow internet speed and cost of accessing services as factors militating against access to library services offere through mobile phones (Luo 2014, De Wee 2013).



The small screen size of most mobile phones, slow how to build trust and credibility internet speed and cost, among others, seem not to have affect university students’ use of mobile phone for social or communication purposes (Lo et al. 2016, Vassilakaki, Moniarou-Papaconstantinou & Garoufallou 2016). Thus, other challenges beyond what is stated in the literature exist that affect usage of services. This study was, therefore, undertaken to uncover such challenges, and it address the following research questions:

What are the ownership rates of phones by students in public universities in Malawi?

What are the library

Relat uses of mobile by taiwan data students in public universities in Malawi?

Which factors impact usage of mobile phones by students?

Mobile phones have the potential to change library service delivery in the tertiary educational sector. Therefore, studies such as this one are vital as they wou

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