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Linking them to future capability gaps,

Our mission is to enable the Coast Guard to meet challenges and seize opportunities by developing visionary thinking in our workforce, teaching people how to practice rigorous foresight, and identifying those long-term trends that will impact the Coast Guard in the future.” The key to all of this is that they must inform key decision makers and how best to inform policymakers.

Identifying strategic challenges early

Which in turn are ti to budgets, helps the Coast Guard stay ahead of the curve and position itself to  well-position. “We are currently developing the Coast Guard Force Planning Structure to develop ideas and strategies for the future of the maritime transportation system, and we are also looking at the future of the Arctic and our cybersecurity strategy,” Poppier not. Evergreen identifi the cyber domain as a strategic imperative and prompt senior leadership to convene a working group to develop a cyber strategy.

Poppier acknowlg that the

Coast Guard had been heading to the polar regions long before Evergreen was establish, but “I think identifying the region as a strategic imperative overseas chinese in australia bas on long-term trends was critical to ensuring the Coast Guard develop an Arctic strategy.

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The future is unprictable and unknowable,

Therefore uncertain. According to Poppier, Evergreen allows senior leaders to understand different futures and allows them to address the content marketing funnel sales funnel challenges that these scenarios present. It helps them escape the “tyranny of the present” and operate in a world outside of their typical environment. “By definition, thinking ten, twenty, or even thirty y. Iears into the future is beyond the horizon. I think it exposes them to uncertainty and helps rich data them form. Iulate answers to some of the ‘what-if’ questions that these scenarios present,” Poppier explain.

This thought process is helpful in itself,

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