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Limited amount of GA4 conversions

You can mark up to 30 events as conversions per GA4 property.

That may sound little to you, but it reminds me of the advice of Jeff Sauer, founder of Data Driven U

Limit your KPIs and conversions employment data to one per team member

Unless you are working for an enterprise, it will be a mission impossible to even come up with 30 conversions for your site, blog or app.

And if you do, who is going to set it up, monitor, analyze, and turn your conversion insights into actions?

3. GA4 may not track your key events

GA4 tracks a lot automatically, but not everything.

There are many reasons GA4 may not track properly the actions that are vital to you. Sometimes, it is just a matter of knowing where to look.

You may, for example, not have switched on enhanced measurement to track file downloads or form submissions.

Or, you may not have set up important you should also take care of custom events to, for example, track mailto clicks. And even if you have set them up, they may not appear in GA4.

This is how you can fix that.

Custom event conversion tracking in GA4

If you have set up a custom event in GA4 you want to track as a conversion, you need to register it as a “New conversion event”.

Just go to “Admin” and click “Property settings” > “Data display” > “Conversions”.

Then, click the blue button “New Conversion Event”.

Fill in the name of your event and use the snake case, like “sales_mail_click”.

Also, make sure you don’t use an GA4 conversions event name GA already uses, like add_to_cart. Then click the “Save” button.

Even before the event occurs, it is marked as a conversion.

The question is then if GA4 will register it?

There is an easy way to find that out…

Tests if your conversion shows up in GA4

Performing a basic test to see if a conversion is being tracked by GA4 is always a good idea. You don’t want to make decisions based on missing data, do you?

You can test GA4 in real time and that’s easier done than said.

Yes, you read that right.

Just open your site and do the action that china data is supposed to show up as a conversion in GA4. That can be, filling in a form, clicking a button or whatever is important to launch your business to the moon.

In the RT report

scroll down to the “Conversion” data card. If you see the event here, it is being tracked correctly.

Since conversions are so important, you can best regularly check if GA4 keeps tracking them correctly.

  • Things can break in GA4.
  • Important business metrics GA4 conversions may change over time and your team may have forgotten to keep you in the loop (because you were having a holiday on a sunny beach).

So, your conversions in GA4 are being registered.

Now what?

Analyzing conversion in GA4

If you have set up conversion tracking properly in GA4, you can see the data in the default GA4 conversions report or use them as dimensions in other reports and explorations.

To open the conversion report, go to Reports > Engagement > Conversions.

You can also use conversion data GA4 conversions as metrics in explorations, like the Path exploration report.

If you want to know which channels, sources, campaigns and mediums converters visited.

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