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If you don’t write to them, someone else will.

This is precisely why if you also talk about what you know best (fashion), you will appear to your customers as a true expert.

You can talk about the catwalk in Milan, the latest trends among celebrities or what type of headdress to wear at a wedding. The important thing is that everything you say reaches your clients so that they get the idea that you are a reference in the subject .

And one effective way to do this is through Email Marketing

overseas data

In fact, it is the most effective way you can use for the simple reason that it is overseas data  ry difficult to reach the public with a message that they have not thought of yet.

Let me explain. Very few of your clients have thought to look up what they’ll be wearing at the fashion show in Los Angeles on the Internet, but most of them would be willing to read it if someone put it in front of them. That’s why, to seem like a fashion expert, the best thing you can do is send them an email.According to a study conducted by Deloitte, 80% of people surveyed do research online before making a purchase . This means that your customers are going to be advised by someone who is not you, and is most likely your direct competition.

And by direct competition I am not referring specifically to the boutique next door, but to hundreds of online stores that send out newsletters daily with excellent results, and it would not be unusual for one of your clients to receive them.

If a competitor store near you was sending emails, wouldn’t you do the same to stop them from outperforming you? Well, this is happening even if you don’t know it. Your current and future competitors are stores that sell online, and sending email marketing campaigns is common there.

You lose customers forever who only bought from you once

Clothing stores have a small number of regular customers and a large number of occasional buyers. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to win back some of those occasional customers and get them to come back? The difficulty is that you don’t know where they came from vietnam data   and therefore you don’t know how to reach them through traditional advertising.

However, if you have made the effort to ask for their email add that will devastate your rankings ress , it will not matter even if they are from a distant town, since you will be able to access their personal mailbox easily by email. And if something we send them interests them, we will send them back.

Otherwise, casual customers will remain just that: people you will probably never see again.

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