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How do I create a conversion report in GA4?

You can add up to 5 dimensions to compare. That is, for example, useful to compare your buyers – aka users who triggered the purchase conversion – from two countries. That could look as follows.

You can remove comparisons from  the conversion report in the Build comparison panel, or by clicking on the X button next to the advertising data comparison selection at the top of the report.

As you click around in the conversions reports, you will for sure find a configuration that is extremely useful to you.

I hear you thinking

“I’d better take screenshots or create an SOP to remember which dimensions and metrics I used in my extremely cool conversion report.”


Instead, do the following.

To create a custom conversion report in GA4, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open a Conversions report

You can start from the default GA4 Conversions report, or from a detailed conversion event report.

Step 2: Click the edit icon

Click the pencil icon to customize the report.

Step 3: Change the metrics or dimensions

Click on metrics or dimensions. Here, you what is b2b marketing? : definition + 10 figures to understand how it works can, for example, click on the X button to remove the Total revenue or Event Value table from your custom conversion report. Then click Apply.

Step 4: Optional: change the charts

Click on the eye icon to hide or show a chart. To change the layout of the charts of your customized conversion report, click on the arrow next to it.

Step 5: Optional: change the conversion summary card

You can delete, edit, or create a new summary card. These show up in your overview reports.

Step 6: Save your customized conversion report

Click the blue Save button and choose whether you want to override the settings of the conversion report you opened, or save it as a new conversion report.

That’s it.

You can access your report in your report “Library”, or add it to the navigation menu on the left, as with any other customized report in GA4.

Just make sure you monitor your conversion reports in GA4 regularly.

And now what?

If you haven’t looked at your Conversions Report in Google Analytics 4 ever, or for a while, now is a great time. The report is really a great china data starting point to understand what is going wrong or extremely well with the conversions on your site, web shop, or app.

With detailed conversion event reports, you can dive even deeper.

And if that’s not enough, you can create a full custom conversion report. Just follow the steps above.

Since these type of events are so important, you can also add conversion data as a dimension in many other GA4 reports and explorations, like the path exploration report.

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