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Guide to Creating a Niche Blog That Can Generate Millions of Rupiah per Month

There are still many people who do not believe this fact.

Therefore, this time I want to show you LIVE how to create a blog in a certain niche that can generate millions of Rupiah per month.

I will open everything transparently.

Starting from the preparation process, blog creation, content strategy, to promotional techniques.

Blogs used as case studies:

Last December I had some free time, so I had the idea to create a email list case study blog for PIM readers.

I will apply everything I teach on the blog.

Then I share the results transparently.

That’s the plan…

But in reality, starting last January, I was busy with other things so I didn’t have time to focus.

Finally I ignored the blog.

Now, the one who manages the blog is one of my assistants. He helps me manage the content and do the promotion.

email list

I just peek every now and then while giving suggestions.

In other words, this blog is like “autopilot”, it can run by itself while making money even though I don’t supervise it.

But the development is also slow.

Here is the current status of our case study blog:

Launched on December 7th
(That means he is now 4 months old)
Number of visitors: about 1500 per day
Number of subscribers: 448
Number of posts: 28 articles (2x per week)
Income: $60 per month
Income sources: Amazon & AdSense
Here is a screenshot of Google Analytics from day one until now:

Case study blog visitor statistics

Here’s a screenshot from Amazon for last month:

Amazon revenue screenshot

Regarding income, this blog has only been monetized for 1 month.

Besides Amazon, there is also $1-2 per day from AdSense.

Oh yeah, one more thing:

getting prospects at the right moment The last time I “played” with AdSense and Amazon was about 5-6 years ago…after that I stopped completely.

So I’m also studying again now.

If anyone has any tips for me regarding AdSense and Amazon, feel free to share them in the comments below.

What will we do in this series of guides?

From now on, over the next few periods (weeks/months) I will publish new updates about the latest conditions of this blog.

Not only that:

I will also be open about what I do with this blog.

(besides name & niche)

The goal is so that you can imitate how to create a blog that can become a source of income.

That’s why this guide series was created.

In this first episode, I will discuss how to build a website from scratch until it is ready to launch.

Let’s start.

1. Looking for the right niche for our blog

This is the first and most important stage because the niche will determine how big your blog’s potential is.

The steps have been explained here .

Please read the guide first if you haven’t already.

After that let’s discuss something more specific to this case.

There are 3 things to note:

First , if you plan not to write yourself (use the services of a writer), don’t focus too much on your own interests and abilities.

The important thing is that you think it’s not boring.

Because if you feel the niche is boring, then managing the blog will also be boring.

Second , choose a topic that is not too narrow.

This was popular around 2012 and back, the term is Micro Niche Site . Choosing a very small niche so that the competition is also small.

Do not like that.

A narrow niche also has little money, because there are few people interested.

Choose a niche that is big enough, then differentiate it so that your blog has competitiveness.

Third , this one is not mandatory, but if possible, choose an interesting niche to share on social media and have beautiful images/photos.

Like this (from Lifehack.org ):

Post image from Lifehack-1

The reason is because social media will be the main promotional place.

If your niche performance is not good on crypto email list social media, then it will take longer. It is not difficult actually, because almost all popular niches are certainly interesting on social media.

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