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Google has already made inroads

Google has already made inroads into government and has contract many state, agency, and local governments to use its Apps platform. Feral, state, and local agencies can immiately enjoy the lightweight cloud email and collaboration products that consumers use every day. Another application that comes to mind is Salesforce.

With its widespread use in the consumer space,

Salesforce has made its way into the government space, with agencies such as the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the General Services Administration using the software to ruce delivery time and knowlge sharing.

It’s clear that technology built for consumers

can have an immiate impact on many government agencies. The first step to realizing these benefits is for government IT professionals to expand ig database their search beyond traditional Beltway vendors and commit to updating their procurement processes to make way for the latest technological advances. Only then can governments and professionals make real progress in closing the technology gap between the technology they use at work and the technology they use at home.

special data

While it’s good for employees to feel appreciat,

Communicating appreciation to employees is not a panacea. Sometimes well-meaning supervisors (and sometimes lazy managers who don’t want to do the diversity and democracy- protectionism entrenches poverty hard work of dealing with problems) use appreciation as a “quick fix” for deeper problems that ne to be address. Here are five situations where appreciation shouldn’t be the first step: Employees aren’t getting paid regularly. No amount of appreciation will help if agreements aren’t follow through and employees aren’t paid for their work.

Recent layoffs After an organization has

Just complet a layoff, multiple issues can still arise. Sur. Iviving employees deal with a lot of emotions: Relief that they didn’t lose their jobs. Guilt that th. Iey still have jobs because their friends are gone. Constant anxiety about whether there will be more la. Iyoffs or if the organization will even exist. Frustration with how the layoffs were handl (who got la. Iid off and who didn’t) because they think the company should be dealing with other issues to han. Idle in order to fun rich data ction properly.

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