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Google Core Updates: What They Are and Why You Need to Keep Up to Date

On August 22, Google announc the launch of the August 2023 Core Update. This update to its algorithm, which is usually carri out twice a year, has a direct impact on the positioning of websites in searches, so the announcement is especially relevant for SEO professionals. Let’s take a closer look at what Google Core Updates are and the features of the most recent one.

What are Google Core Updates

Changes to search engines and algorithms are a regular occurrence for Google. However , twice a year it carries out a more in-depth review . The so-call Core Updates are announc by the Mountain View company so that SEO specialists can evaluate them and analyse their impact on the performance of the website.

Google itself defines these core updates as “ changes we’re making to improve search overall and keep pace with the changing nature of the web .” It also warns of the potential impact on sites. “While noth canada telegram data ing in a core update is specific to any particular site, these updates can result in some noticeable changes to site performance.” It’s also important to note that from the time Google publishes the update announcement and the time all the changes are implement, a period of about two weeks passes.

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Facade of Google offices in New York

In Spain alone, and according to data from StatCounter , more than 96% of user searches are made through Google. Changes in the positioning of businesses are therefore critical for their v about your project essentials isibility. This is why any major update to the search engine requires in-depth at bw lists tention from specialists in order to enhance everything that has been reward by Google in the event of a significant improvement or to modify those aspects that may have l to a penalty.



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