Currently, the coffee shop business is one of the most popular businesses among some people. In addition to the fact that this business is quite promising, almost everyone who lives in urban areas must have visited a coffee shop.
Usually what they do is work, hang out with colleagues or even just spend their free time.
The large number of coffee shops certainly demands creativity and insight from the owner to be able to provide a “touch” to the coffee shop business they own so that many people visit and make people come back.
Here are 5 things that coffee shop business owners must pay attention to, namely:
Coffee Quality
Of course, in the coffee shop business, the most important thing is the quality of a cup of coffee. For coffee lovers, they are certainly willing to queue or even travel far for the cup of coffee they crave.
For the selection of coffee beans themselves, each coffee shop owner has their own strategy. This can also be used as a differentiator for each coffee shop which will make their business have its own characteristics.
Friendliness and knowledge of staff
Baristas are more than just coffee makers. Baristas and staff are the mirror and face iran telegram data of a coffee shop. A good barista must be able to recognize customers and know what kind of coffee character each customer wants.
Many customers are happy to come back to a coffee rista. In addition to making coffee, baristas must also be able to communicate well with customers.
Price and Menu Variants
Every coffee shop, although basically selling the same item, namely coffee, must a step-by-step guide how to do a powerful email blast still have a target segment to be by lists targeted. Because this will determine the price range that will be set.