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The journey is the destination: Micro and macro conversions for B2Bs

Constant developments offer companies a variety of opportunities today. Web analytics also offers increasingly better ways to continuously measure and evaluate campaigns of all kinds. This is particularly valuable because it provides important conversions for B2Bs insights into the behavior of your own visitors. This can then be used within the marketing strategy for future content.

Every company has its own objectives with its website. In online marketing, these are referred to as “conversions”. We show what the term conversion generally means, explain micro and macro conversions and show what significance they have for B2B online marketing.

What are conversions?

A conversion is any predefined action in which a uganda number data website visitor performs a desired action and thus becomes an actively interacting visitor. Depending conversions for B2Bson whether your company belongs to the B2C or B2B industry, the respective objectives also differ. For B2B companies, target actions that focus on lead generation are particularly relevant. The following examples are referred to as conversions:

  • newsletter registrations
  • Completed or sent contact forms
  • registrations for white papers

In addition, there are also numerous other actions that can represent potential targets:

  • downloads of any kind
  • playing certain website content
  • viewing time of a video
  • purchases in online shops

The challenge for companies is to derive the relevant website goals while taking overarching company goals into account. However, whether a visitor when do I use which format in b2b email marketing? actually makes a conversion depends on many different influencing factors. Companies can usually only influence these to a limited extent. For example, if the usability of a page is not consistently conversions for B2Bs thought through and is therefore inadequate, this is usually reflected in the number of conversions. For conversions aimed at B2B leads, poorly placed buttons or complicated registration processes can be a reason for a low number of conversions. Technical errors in the background of the page can also have a negative impact.

What are micro and macro conversions?

After companies have identified the goals that are relevant to them as “conversions,” the next step is to divide them into micro and macro conversions. The additional segmentation of the conversions pays off when monitoring success later.


Before a visitor carries out a decisive action on a page, they may travel a long digital path across the website. Very few decisive actions are carried out by users without having previously interacted with a contact point of a company. Micro conversions are suitable for better understanding this path. Basically, these represent sub-goals on the way to a macro conversion. Before finally purchasing a product, for example, a visitor may have japan data informed conversions for B2Bs themselves about the product in advance using a company newsletter – in this case, signing up for the newsletter would be the corresponding micro conversion. Other examples of micro conversions are:

  • Using the search function of a page
  • creating a profile
  • Add a product to the shopping cart
  • watch product videos

The breakdown of conversions always depends on the requirements of the respective company.
In concrete terms, this means that what is an essential goal for one B2B company may only be a partial goal for another company.

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