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Content curation in B2B: What it consists of and the main tools

We are currently bombarded by an endless amount of information. How do we deal with this information saturation? Content curation is one way. While content marketing strategies aim to position our content in front of the right audience or buyer persona , this can become a difficult task, especially considering the excess of information that exists on social media and the Internet.

Along these lines, content curation is a way of channeling the information that interests our audience and adapting it for them. In this article we will analyze in depth what content curation is, what this marketing tactic means in the B2B field and what tools are most appropriate to carry it out.

What is content curation?

Content curation is a content marketing technique . It consists of collecting, filtering, developing, disseminating and analyzing relevant information found on social media and the Internet in order to re-disseminate it to our audience.

In other words, it is about selecting those contents that add value to our community and redistributing them with added value. This can be done in two ways: adapting the contents or transmitting them as they are. The important thing is that the source is reliable, generates trust and that the content is of quality and of interest to the user. The important thing is to avoid thin content .

Advantages of content curation

You can collect a lot of interesting content. Content curation allows you to search the Internet, social networks, websites, blogs, among others, and collect all the relevant and interesting information for your target audience. This will allow you to create new content for your networks.
New ideas. Content curation is undoubtedly a learning experience for many brands and companies. This technique will allow you to obtain new ideas about the content that interests your audience and that you probably didn’t know about.
More visibility. By selecting and adapting the content, we will have more publications on our networks. This will generate a noticeable increase in visibility.
Greater engagement. Having more content and more visibility can increase the number of followers, likes, comments and times that a particular piece of content is shared. All of this can improve engagement on our networks.
You help combat information overload , or, in other words, information intoxication, by offering your users quality filtered content.

How is content curation different from content aggregation?

Content aggregation involves publishing content as is. Content curation, on the other hand, requires someone who can discern whether the content is of value to the brand or company’s audience.

Who is in charge of content curation?
Content curation is carried out -drum roll- by the content curator! What does a ‘content curator’ do? They are responsible for collecting, filtering, developing, disseminating and analysing content for our brand or company’s audience. However, telemarketing data all things considered, this figure is very rare in marketing departments and generally, it ends up being the Social Media Manager or content manager who leads this tactic.

telemarketing data

In order to fulfill the role of content curation

it is essential to have criteria and, create a social media plan above all, to know the audience. This will make it easier to know when the content is saudi data valuable or not. Something that also helps a lot for a content curator to be good is that he has knowledge and experience in the subject.

1. Identify the needs of our audience

This is the first and most important thing. When it comes to curating content, you have to know exactly who the audience is that you are targeting with your brand or company. And along those lines, you also have to know what their needs are. This will allow you to go to the right sources when you want to search and also filter them appropriately.


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