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Black Friday marketing must-haves

Next Friday, November 24th, is Black Friday, a date marked in red by merchants and consumers around the world. What began as an exclusively Anglo-Saxon phenomenon has spread in the last decade, and in an astonishing way, to the rest of the world. To the point that, in many sectors, it is the day with the highest sales volume of the entire year.

Such a large amount of business means extraordinary competition between companies. Without a doubt, promotions will be a key point to attract consumers. But success on this date is not only about offers. Because, among the marketing strategies for Black Friday, the importance of working well in advance is becoming increasingly evident. We take note of the Black Friday. Agency Readiness report, prepared by Google, which points out that “users begin their searches up to seven weeks in advance.”

Phases of a Black Friday marketing strategy

“From the advertising side, we always recommend our clients to start their campaigns well in advance ,” says Nanxi Wang, SEM and SEO Copywriting Consultant at Súmate. Based on this recommendation, and with a long period between the start of planning and the moment of purchase, it is important to be able to clearly define the campaign.

Shopping cart in front of a laptop

“To properly optimize the budget and achieve maximum success during Black Friday week,” Wang says, “we recommend implementing a phased strategy , targeting different audiences and  denmark telegram data ith specific messages,” he observes. Let’s see which phases, specifically, he refers to.

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First phase : This is the time

To capture the attention of new users . This is a discovery stage. The user is and because he is the most important  not yet aware of where he will purchase the products he is interested in.
Second phase : Generate expectations among the established c bw lists ustomer base . It is time to address the potential customer by appealing to prepare for the purchase.
Third phase . Once the two previous phases have been completed, specific promotions must be established among the public obtained in the first phase.


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