A marketing account executive never delivers things lateIf you are running late, please inform your customers as soon as possible so they can
adjust their own deadlines. There is usually a chain of command that needs to be notified. As an agency, you are
At one end of the chain, with the decision maker at the other end. It is easy to see how timelines can be delayed.
If you are sick, decide to take time off, or even a vacation, be sure to notify your clients and provide a backup. Always set an away message in your email with those details as well.
5. An account executive offers solutions, never problems
One of our mottos at mbudo is to offer solutions, never problems . The customer is looking to you to make their day-to-day easier, not to add more things to their to-do list. If you don’t know something, find out. If you can’t do something a job seekers database certain way, offer an alternative. Making your customers happy, especially a particularly tough or demanding customer, will make them appreciate all the hard work you put in! Read more about this approach to customer-centricity.
The way account managers handle their
Clients can make or break an agency or marketing department. A client always remembers how you made them feel, and if you keep these 5 best practices in mind, your agency-client relationship will improve one of the first to adopt the basic ideas of the design dramatically. Not only that, you will retain your current clients , which, as all marketers know, is more profitable than attracting new clients.
Client treatment is part of the mbudo method. Find out all about mbudo by downloading our free ebook or by viewing this page .
Millennials at work: How to get the best out of them?
Millennials are seen as the most disruptive generation in history
Millennials are those born between 1981 and 1996, meaning they fans data are between 23 and 38 years old. Their work style, lifestyle and habits vary significantly from past generations.
Right now, most Millennials in the workplace are either in the early part of their career or moving into senior roles . It’s important to understand their values and way of working to foster these Millennials to become the leaders your company needs.