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9 Universal Analytics Backup Solutions – Which Is the Best?

There are many ways to back up your historical Universal Analytics data, and little time to do it. Each method has pros and cons. That makes doctor data it hard to choose the best solution to save your business-critical Google Analytics data. Unless you read further. Spoiler alert: the GA solutions are not the best in class.

After the 1st of July 2024, UA will be deleted. For ever.

Key Takeaways

  • Starting on the 1st of July 2024, Universal Analytics data will be deleted and you won’t have access to the interface any more.
  • There are 4 important criteria to choose the UA backup solution that’s best for your organization, business or customers.
  • Our team hand-picked 9 solutions to back up UA data and reviewed them so you don’t have to.

Ask these 4 questions before backing up UA

From the 1st of July 2024, Universal Analytics and all its data will be gone. Another deadline that puts pressure on your shoulders. Remember the donkey cart library in zimbabwe when GA announced that UA would stop collecting data? And that you suddenly had to learn GA4?

Instead of using the first tool you come across to take a backup of UA, you can best ask yourself four questions.

1. How reliable is the UA backup solution? 

Not all historical UA data is going to be useful for everyone. It would, for example, be silly to make business decisions based on a UA device report from 2012.

Yet, to some organizations or researchers, this may exactly be information that is worth keeping.

My point is that you best choose a backup china data solution that saves all the Google Analytics data you are going to need at one point.

2. How hard is it to take a backup of UA data?

The answer varies between “easy-peasy” and “damn, I first need a PhD in engineering to do that”.

Even if you decide to outsource your UA backup to a service provider, this is an important aspect because it impacts the price.

Speaking of which.

3. How much does making a backup of UA data cost?

The price to make a backup of UA data varies between $0 and +$10K and depends on the solution you use, the amount of data you want to save, and so on.

Note that even for free backup solutions, you pay in the most precious currency of the world: time.


4. How long does it take to back up UA data?

The answer depends on factors, such as how many views you want to back up, the size of data in your UA account, the complexity of customized dimensions, goals, etc.

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