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3 Most Effective and Time-Saving Blog Content Promotion Strategies

No blog will be successful if all it does is publish content every day, without promotion.

Promotion is important…

In fact, I personally think it’s more important than creating content.

That’s why many bloggers already have hundreds of content but still only have hundreds of visitors per day.

In this article, I will explain the 3 most effective whatsapp number database promotion strategies among all your blog promotion strategies.

Let’s start.Case study blog development (May 2016)

Before we start with the main material, as usual, let’s first discuss the blog that we are using as a case study.

For those of you who don’t know about this case study blog, please read the first episode.
Here is the data from Google Analytics for May 2016:

Blog Visitors May 2016

There were 85,453 sessions in May, an increase of about 22%.

Then, here is a screenshot from AdSense:

AdSense Revenue May 2016

Total AdSense revenue for May was $206.65.

Third, revenue from Amazon:

whatsapp number database

Amazon Revenue May 2016

The problem is still the same as last month, namely that sales conversion from articles on this blog is still very small because the article type is not optimal.

getting interested leads and building connections Since the beginning of June I have started creating articles specifically for Amazon, but the results are not yet visible.

We will discuss this in the following months.

In May, a total of $422.25 from Amazon.

And finally, income from Clickbank:

Clickbank Earnings May 2016

(first row not included because it is June)

The largest income from this site comes from Clickbank, the total for June was $961.48.

Here are the case study blog statistics for May 2016:

Total visitors: 85,453
Total earnings: $1,590.38 (or around Rp. 20 million)
Total email list subscribers: 1,451
Total new articles: 14
This May 2016 is the sixth month since our case study blog was created (in December 2015).

Although the results are not extraordinary, they are actually not that bad considering my initial intention, which was for this blog to run almost automatically and without spending any advertising costs.

That’s the progress of the blog for the month of May.

Let’s get into this month’s material.

A quick look at content promotion…

There are many ways to promote content.

In this article I have discussed 13 content promotion strategies.

But I often get comments like this:

“There are too many promotional methods, I’m confused about which one to choose”

“Of the various promotional methods, which is the most effective?”

Therefore, this time I will narrow it down to 3 promotional strategies that are the most effective and do not take much time.

Preparation: Creating images for social media

Nowadays, there are hardly any big blogs that don’t use images.

Must be illustrated.

Here’s why:

Posts shared on Facebook

Posts shared to Pinterest

The images above are website articles shared on social media.

Facebook and Pinterest.

Both are the biggest contributors of traffic for crypto email list blog owners (apart from Google, of course).

If your article doesn’t have any images, or the images are bad, then it’s almost impossible to get many visitors from social media.

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