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3 extremely SIMPLE ways to update CCCD for tax code

Updating tax registration information is one of the tasks that taxpayers need to do to avoid information errors. Let’s join MISA meInvoice to learn the article below to understand 3 extremely simple ways to update tax registration information.
Currently, in order to protect the rights of taxpayers, the General Department of Taxation recommends that taxpayers update their ID card information in tax registration. This is considered the basis for the Tax authority to standardize data and move towards using identification codes as tax codes according to the provisions of the Law on Tax Administration. Below are 3 ways that taxpayers can apply to update tax registration information.

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Method 1: Declare changes to tax registration information electronically
In case the taxpayer logs in via the National Public Service Portal.
In case the taxpayer logs in via the General Department of Taxation’s Electronic Information Portal.
Method 2: Declare changes to tax registration information through the income paying agency.
Method 3: Declare changes to tax registration information directly with the tax authority
Penalties for not updating tax registration information in a timely manner
Method 1: Declare changes to tax regist brazil telegram data ration information electronically
In case the taxpayer logs in via the National Public Service Portal.
With the method of declaring changes to tax registration information electronically, taxpayers access the National Public Service Portal, then search for the administrative procedure: “Change tax registration information” or access directly at the following link:

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National public service portal

After accessing, the taxpayer clicks on Sub the ultimate guide to building a high-quality b2b email list mit online and logs in with the Public Service Portal account or the Ministry of Public Security’s electronic identification account. The Public Service Portal routes to the General Department of Taxation’s Electronic Information Portal and perf australia data orms the steps to change information as if logging in directly through the General Department of Taxation’s Electronic Information Portal according to the instructions of the case below.
In case the taxpayer logs in via the General Department of Taxation’s Electronic Information Portal.
Taxpayers access the General Department of Taxation’s website at the link:  electronic tax transaction

account that has been granted.

electronic tax login
If the information is displayed correctly, the taxpayer clicks to confirm completion, selects: ” Complete declaration” and follows the steps as instructed on the General Department of Taxation’s Electronic Information Portal to send the declaration and attached documents to the tax authority, completing the declaration of changes to tax registration information.
Change dependent information
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