One of the top reasons we see organizations adopt DRaaS is because DR capabilities were previously nonexistent. After that, it’s organizations in need of improved recovery objectives or those with DR capabilities limited to tape storage. Regardless of your reason, you may be trying to assess what the big differences are between traditional DR and DRaaS. With DRaaS, you have a cloud partner — a dedicated resource to help meet RTO and RPO goals, to provide premium support and professional services, and to offload BC/DR at a level of your comfort.
Outside of the dedicated resources
Your DRaaS service provider takes over implementation, alleviating stress from your team. You also have the option for customization. For example, if you have specific compliance requirements or self-service needs, achieving that level of specificity is possible with your DRaaS partner. Lastly, DRaaS unlocks many of the benefits that come with public cloud adoption, like reliability and scaling with the 3-2-1 rule, but you’re also supported by a niche partner that can help ensure a mature BC/DR practice, and, ultimately, a more resilient IT infrastructure. As a result, you’ll achieve improved RTOs and RPOs, and it will be significantly easier to test more often, all with little-to-no disruption to your business.
Total Economic Impact
Ultimately, many companies choose to move their DR to one cloud or another for economic reasons. They’ve seen enough proof from others’ successes and want to do it themselves. It’s also crucial to look for DR and data protection solutions that reduce the resources, infrastructure, staff, and time dedicated to these operations.
In a report from Forrester related to the ROI of implementing an IT resilience platform, significant figures come to light. According to this report, organizations that accomplished the DR-to-cloud transition experienced the following benefits.